Yogis, it has been a wonderful two and a half years but, but at long last our pandemic-inspired online chair classes must finally come to a close. Tomorrow 8-26-22 will be our last class.
I am sorry for those that are not in San Diego that join us, but I now have three free (and many other) chair yoga classes that will be offered weekly locally and I need the extra time on Friday’s for homework, studying, and tending to Eli’s every growing extracurricular needs.
I will be leaving all the recorded online classes up and occasionally adding to them, but please check out all your local resources for keeping yourselves healthy and vital! Do not hesitate to call me if you need anything, and my website will always be updated with new information as I find it.
For now, here’s what is going on.
- Chair Yoga @Bonita/Sunnyside Library on Bonita Road 11 AM Mondays. FREE
- Chair Yoga @ Cuyamaca Water Conservation Garden 9:15-10:15AM Thursdays. Free with Membership https://thegarden.org/support/membership-2/?gclid=CjwKCAjwu5yYBhAjEiwAKXk_eBuR8a_8NTHmDEiAH33DMbcniCzTPSn8BeYb_d5aUUi4A1h0UVp8hhoCFcgQAvD_BwE
- September 13 (through Nov 29 for now) Chair Yoga @La Mesa library on Allison Avenue. 11 AM Tuesdays. FREE – (will be listed on the Silver and Fit website as well)
- September 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 Chair Yoga @Serra Mesa library on Aero Drive. 11:30-12:15 Thursdays. FREE
- September 16 – November 4 Chair Yoga @Park De La Cruz Rec Center. 12:45 PM Fridays. $30 for 8 classes . (register here https://apm.activecommunities.com/sdparkandrec/Home)
Thank you for all your participation, feedback, and your donations that kept us all going!
So many services and classes are available now. Check into sone of these other resources check for fun activities:
- YMCA SAN DIEGO COUNTY: RENEW ACTIVE helps PAYS FOR YOUR membership: https://www.ymcasd.org/membership/insurance-paid
- AGEWELL SERVICES: https://www.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/activities/agewellservices)
- FEELING FIT SAN DIEGO: IN PERSON: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/ais/health_promotions.html
- FEELING FIT SAN DIEGO ONLINE ACCESS: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/hhsa/programs/ais/documents/How%20to%20access%20Feeling%20Fit%20Club%20videos%20at%20home.pdfSILVER AND FIT: https://www.silverandfit.com/
- SILVER AGE YOGA IN PERSON CLASSES: https://www.silverageyoga.org/find-a-class/